ettiene de kock


Etienne is constantly pushing the boundaries and defining what is understood as interactive fine art. His fascination with the fourth-dimension of movement and time is formative in his work. This awareness of our existential boundaries comes down to an appreciation for the present and the multifarious threads of the yet untold future – what might happen and how can we manipulate it. To this end, Etienne is constantly absorbed in his own cognition, pondering ways in which to engage with the space surrounding us.

Sculptor, foundry-man, blacksmith, mould-maker, teacher, musician, set-builder, boat-designer and sailor. Mediums include bronze casting, forging, stone work, mould-making, welding and wood work.

Text - Etienne De Kock


Etienne de Kok, Holy Drinker.jpg

Holy Drinker

Etienne de Kok, The Triumph of Diplomacy.jpg

The Triumph of Diplomacy

Etienne de Kok, Bones of my Body.jpg

Bones of my Body

Etienne de Kok, The Way I Think Things Are.jpg

The Way I Think Things Are

Etienne de Kok.jpg


Etienne De Kok - Sculptures - Ja Nee mini R5200.00.jpg

Ja Nee

Etienne De Kok - Sculptures_1.jpg

Sea Chantey

Etienne De Kock - Rocking Africana,28.5 x25 cm (1).jpg

Rocking Africana

Etienne De Kok - Consider Phlebus, R18900.00 - (10).jpg

Consider Phlebus