Tania Babb

"I am essentially an artist who works in clay. My work eminates from a fascination with people and their relationships — to each other, to themselves and to other important things or moments in their lives. I like to capture fleeting moments in clay, where a gesture reveals the depth and nature of these relationships, much like an author would reveal these depths with snippets of dialogue: Pets sit selfassured next to their owners on a couch, certain of a place in their hearts, women sit astride hulking African animals, totems of the power they have brought forth, women dance with wild abandon to music only they can hear, celebrating their freedom, couples stand arm in arm, but is he more reluctant than her?"


Tanis Babb - Let's Run Away and Join the Circus (1).JPG

Let's Run Away and Join the Circus 1 Let's Run Away and Join the Circus 2

Tanis Babb - Let's Run Away and Join the Circus (3).JPG
Tanis Babb - Mattisse Apologies.JPG

Let's Run Away and Join the Circus 3 Mattisse Apologies

Tanis Babb - Summer Dress 1.JPG
Tanis Babb - Summer Dress 2.JPG

Summer Dress 1 Summer Dress 2