Katunga Carimbwe was born in 1958 in Angola.  His childhood was spent with his parents in Mavinga, where they
made a living hunting and gathering veld food.  He was later employed by the Portuguese military for more than a decade
and during the 1970's became a tracker for the South African Defence Force.

The work of Katunga's imagination is a healing force in his life.  Through his art, he journey's to a place where he feels
at home and finds food for his spirit.  "I am a farmer in my artwork, like my father was.  He also had cattle and goats. 
He planted food and I saw him do that.  This is why I draw, I see these things.  My father made everything we needed: containers for honey, bows, arrows.  Then I thought when I grow up I will continue this work.  The carved chairs
and the small wooden animals were the most beautiful things he made.  My artwork comes from there."


Angry bushmen, Linocut

Butterflies and scorpion tree

Chickens,  388mm x 513mm

Buck and hunter,  385mm x 508mm

Three buck, bird and a snake